At-Home Art: “At Home” Still Life

Adult supervision and involvement is always advised.


Art Focus: Observational drawing

Fine Motor Skills: Drawing

Time Duration: 45-60 minutes


  • Still life

  • Observation

  • Composition

Objective: To create a still life drawing by observing objects from life


  • Drawing tools: pencils, markers, colored pencils, pastels, crayons, etc.

  • 8.5” x 11” or larger white paper — the bigger the better!

  • Fun objects to draw — fruit, toys, books, stuffed animals, blocks, pillows, etc.


  1. Gather objects from around the house, and arrange them on the table or on the floor in a composition (i.e. arrangement) you like. Make sure you place the objects (and your “composition” of them) in good lighting.

  2. Focus closely on your objects, and try your best to draw them as your eye sees them.

  3. Coloring your drawing is optional. Once you’ve finished your drawing, try drawing the same objects from different angles or try rearranging them.