At-Home Art: No-Mess Painting for Toddlers

Parent supervision and involvement is mandatory. Do not leave any child unattended.

Art focus: Color, Texture, Exploration

Fine motor skills: Pressing

Time Duration: 10 mins 

Objective: Explore color, texture, and movement.


  • 5”x7” canvas or similar (No canvases at home during quarantine? Use an old cereal box or unused cardboard you have around the house!)

  • Gallon ziplock baggie

  • Acrylic paint (3 different colors)

  • Masking tape


  1. Add small paint blobs to canvas.

  2. Insert canvas into gallon ziplock baggie and close.

  3. Tape baggie to table top on all four edges assuring it does not move.


  1. Under parent supervision, lead your child to press paint blobs.

  2. Once your child is done pressing, remove the artwork from the baggie and dispose of baggie.

  3. Let the artwork dry. 

  4. Hang artwork on your wall so everyone can admire the artwork your child created!

Artwork created by Cooper Elliott, son of Danielle Elliott, Digital Marketing Manager, Retail & Visitor Experience Associate