Black Hat in Studio

Richard Segalman


American, b. 1934
Oil on canvas
Gift of the artist, made possible by Harmon-Meek Gallery
Florida Southern College Permanent Collection FP.2017.16.6

Every Segalman painting intrigues in its canny mix of specific and generalized details. Here, a woman stands in a crowded space, surrounded on all sides by clothing of all kinds. What items of attire can you spot and name throughout the room? Are any more typically associated with one gender or another? What has the figure chosen to wear and at what might her featureless face be looking? Look closely, too, at her posture, with hands at her side and her body turned ever so slightly. Note also the source of light. Where is it coming from and what does it suggest about what we cannot see off-canvas? Who is this woman and is this more than just dress-up time? Look for any other clues in the room that the artist has provided to help form your narrative.
