Late Afternoon

Richard Segalman


American, b. 1934
Oil on canvas
Gift of the artist, made possible by Harmon-Meek Gallery
Florida Southern College Permanent Collection FP.2017.16.24

Impressionistically painted, Late Afternoon embodies its title in both its play of light dappling over linens and bodies and the relaxed, languorous mood of its figures. Segalman conjures a scene begging for a backstory, giving us just enough information to make out the two figures and our position relative to them in this room. But are we meant to be in the room with these male and female figures? Or are we witnessing this private moment from without, not actually there? How does our presence — or lack thereof — change your perception of your role as voyeur of this scene? What do the figures’ individual poses convey about each? What are they each doing? Consider any number of possibilities about who these figures may be, who they are to each other, where this is taking place, and what lies ahead for them. Note, too, that the limited details provided by the artist allow us to cast these “characters” as each of us might like through our own lenses, as their facial anonymity permits us enormous imaginative freedom.
