[Virtual] Drinks with the Director: State of the Arts

State of the Arts

It's time for a "State of the Arts" update!  In all times, the arts offer refuge, mental escape, and creative paths toward better understanding one another in a world in need of understanding. And despite all odds, 2020 has proven that the arts continue to be more important and vital than ever before. In fact, for arts organizations, 2020 has been a tremendous period of rediscovery, innovation, and teamwork.

Amazingly, it has been 7 months since we last checked in with our favorite community arts leaders, and we are eager to chat LIVE with them to learn what lessons they and their organizations have drawn from 2020. 

This Thursday night, join Dr. Alex Rich, Executive Director and Chief Curator, for an interactive happy hour and Q&A as he chats LIVE with YOU and special guests Amy Wiggins, Executive Director of the Imperial Symphony Orchestra, Jermaine Thornton, Executive Director of Florida Dance Theatre, and Crystal Norman, Branscomb Auditorium Director at Florida Southern College. Since May, they have been busy bringing you new programs, events, and reinventing how the world sees arts organizations.

As Amy, Jermaine, Crystal, and Alex take your questions, the panel will discuss the difficulties 2020 has presented but also — more unexpectedly — how this crazy year may actually have re-energized the arts and re-engaged audiences with the world of art in unforeseen ways. They are excited to take YOUR questions live, share with you the groundbreaking new initiatives, programs, and changes within their organizations, and thank our community (you!) for all your support!

Recorded Thursday, November 19 at 6 pm via Facebook Live.

Join us for our next virtual event!