[Virtual] Drinks with the Director: Meet the Museum

Meet the Museum

Ever wonder what it takes to make a museum run? What people other than curators actually do? It might look like we’re all about hanging art and exhibitions, but, in the case of our Museum, it takes a very small village of dedicated staff to manage every aspect our business, through good times and hard. Get ready for an unusual glimpse beyond-the-scenes, as you’ll get the chance to see the Museum — and the world of museums — through the eyes of our intrepid team.

Join Dr. Alex Rich, Executive Director and Chief Curator, for an interactive happy hour and Q&A as he chats LIVE with YOU and members of our key staff: Taylor Holycross, Manager of Membership and Communications, Ellen Chastain, Education Manager, and Tory King, Director of Retail Operations & Visitor Experience. They are eager to discuss the secrets of the museum business, their roles at our Museum, and YOUR questions live!

Recorded Tuesday, August 6 at 6 pm via Facebook Live.

Join us for our next virtual event!